NEAPOLIS – le Taverne di Lucullo®
The typology of the Neapolis – le Taverne di Lucullo® atmosphere is as typical as the street kitchen that openly violates many of the rules of “home” and, therefore, of the walls. Having meal becomes at the same time a private matter (often consumed alone, unlike when you go to the classic, schematic and monotonous restaurant) and a public event, because it takes place in a cheerful, lively and engaging environment as if linked to the community.

Attestation of quality and origin
Pizze Design
The restaurant chain Neapolis – le Taverne Lucullo® has registered also in Switzerland at the IPI Bern (Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property) the exclusive design of the following pizzas:

pizza in the form of a cross, with the 4 stuffed ends
Italian: mozzarella, spicy salami
German: mozzarella, onion
French: mozzarella, mushrooms
Romansh: ricotta, ham
SiAmoNapoli - Il cuore del Sud®
The mark of origin.
Importer and responsible supplier.